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After editing a conglomerate of nearly thirteen million words, one of the most prominent issues is the redundant use of "my own Whatever" You only need to say it once. It goes with how wordy sentences are formed with useless words. Everything I own is mine. Another is spaces in sentences, so no spaces, folks! Filler words I call conversation words; to be clear and concise, don't use, actually, simply and other such words in most instances.


An excellent way to know what to write is to avoid using three or four words when one or two will suffice. Almost everyone uses the spoken word while transferring thoughts to written prose, and hardly any use different synonyms to keep their writing active and effervescent. Still, I try not to wholly intoxicat readers.


A shocking revelation emerged midway through my OPW/ Other People's Writing study. It used the word "trick" for temptation, which I immediately felt and thought came from the garden when Satan lied to trick Eve into disobeying God.

I've had many conversations asking others if they knew the trick synonym; no one I have asked has known. I asked my younger brother first, and when I told him it was temptation, he laughed and said, "Now you know why the prostitutes call it tricking." When Satan tells you something, don't believe him. That something is that it is not wrong to choose your notions instead of God's warning.

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The story will unfold, and you can see a preview at http://AngelTank.org/








October 14 - October 20

Your Weekly Premium Update

You're charting a clear path toward a significant impact with

sentences that are easily understood and full of unique

vocabulary—well done!


You were more productive than 92% of Grammar users.

You were more accurate than 95% of Grammar users.

You used more unique words than 99% of Grammar users.

12,910,652  total words analyzed since June 30, 2019



15‌%    Confident   +6%


12‌%    Formal   +0%


10‌%    Informative   -4%


9‌%    Admiring  +2%


9‌%    Inspirational   +5%


8‌%    Friendly   +5%


7‌%   Informal    +0%




Words of Life And Beauty Teach Faith and Duty Wonderful Words Of Life.  

Understand that your attitude is the key to unlocking your potential. You can enhance your aptitude and foster a love for learning by cultivating a positive attitude. 


Aptitude is a natural ability to score higher and propel creative ideas you will gain into constructive realities when you realise that attitude is for or against you and that life has gifts in store for you if you care enough to build your attitude in altitude.


 Your attitude reflects your inner self and is a powerful tool that shapes your interactions with others. It communicates your thoughts, intentions, and determinations and influences others' perceptions of your worth.


By understanding and managing your attitude, you can take control of your relationships and your place in the world.


There are many attitudes: let's count them as absolute in our choices because this book is about you, written with each movement of your prominent hand and your feet.


Attitude can first prepare you for education; creating all circumstances of success and how people accept you is part of your plan.


The better your attitude, the fewer failures you will encounter in life.

With a positive attitude, you don't need any 'earthly elixir drinks or paraphernalia'- external factors like luck or unique treatments- to bolster your progress. You have already arrived at success simply by cultivating a positive attitude.


Put on your attitude as a garment of beauty and grace. Like a well-tailored suit or a stunning dress, your attitude can enhance your appearance and make you stand out. Now, you are dressed for success, proudly wearing it everywhere the soles of your feet touch.


Because attitude is not just about appearance but also about the inner qualities of giftedness and skill that fill families with kindness, with this attitude, you can build foundations, companies, schools, churches, and anything of humane importance.



Mary Russell Holmberg

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